// Doxygen documentation generator set
// 文件注释:版权信息模板
"doxdocgen.file.copyrightTag": [
"@copyright Copyright 2009 - 2021, xxx Technology Ltd.",
"doxdocgen.file.customTag": [
"//Head Block of The File",
"#ifndef _XXX_H_",
"#define _XXX_H_\n\n",
"#ifdef __cplusplus",
"extern \"C\" {",
"//Sec 0: Comment block of the file\n\n",
"//Sec 1: Include File\n\n",
"//Sec 2: Constant Definitions, Imported Symbols, miscellaneous\n\n",
"//Declaration of data structure",
"//Sec 3: structure, uniou, enum, linked list\n\n",
"//Declaration of Global Variables & Functions",
"//Sec 4: declaration of global variable\n\n",
"//Sec 5: declaration of global function prototype\n\n",
"//Declaration of static Global Variables & Functions",
"//Sec 6: declaration of static global variable\n\n",
"//Sec 7: declaration of static function prototype\n\n",
"//C Functions",
"//Sec 8: C Functions\n\n\n\n",
"#ifdef __cplusplus",
// 文件注释的组成及其排序
"doxdocgen.file.fileOrder": [
"copyright", // 版权
"file", // @file
"brief", // @brief 简介
"author", // 作者
//"version", // 版本
"date", // 日期
//"empty", // 空行
"custom", // 自定义
// 下面时设置上面标签tag的具体信息
"doxdocgen.file.fileTemplate": "Filename:\n-------------\n@file {name}\n",
"doxdocgen.generic.briefTemplate": "@brief xxx这里描述文件或者函数的功能\n",
"doxdocgen.file.versionTag": "@version 1.0",
"doxdocgen.generic.authorEmail": "xxx@xxx.com",
"doxdocgen.generic.authorName": "xxx",
"doxdocgen.generic.authorTag": "Author:\n---------\n@author {author}({email})\n",
// 日期格式与模板
"doxdocgen.generic.dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"doxdocgen.generic.dateTemplate": "Create time:\n---------\n@date {date}",
// 根据自动生成的注释模板(目前主要体现在函数注释上)
"doxdocgen.generic.order": [
"doxdocgen.generic.paramTemplate": "@param{indent:8}{param}{indent:2} ",
"doxdocgen.generic.returnTemplate": "@return {type} ",
"doxdocgen.generic.splitCasingSmartText": true,
"doxdocgen.c.commentPrefix": "",
"[cpp]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "xaver.clang-format"