brew git错误

fatal: not in a git directory
Error: Command failed with exit 128: git

首先 网上说的那个git config 是没用的,我是在brew -v 正常的情况下,出现这个错误的,


执行 brew doctor,然后按照提示,把所有的warnning消除掉,然后就正常了

brew doctor
Your system is ready to brew.

brew update --verbose
Checking if we need to fetch /opt/homebrew/Homebrew...
Fetching /opt/homebrew/Homebrew...
Checking if we need to fetch formula.jws.json...
Checking if we need to fetch cask.jws.json...
Checking if we need to fetch formula_tap_migrations.jws.json...
Checking if we need to fetch cask_tap_migrations.jws.json...
Already up-to-date.


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